The Reason i am not in school

Originally posted by Lap3Forever

it relly is we are out all this week

You're all out of brakes?

Drive carefully!

Hey Lap3, you went back to your avatar......I like that one..........
enjoy that break.....nice to get out of school for a little bit ins't it?:)
: :bleh: 100years ago when I went to school we got in the fall to pick cotton. But we didn't call break. LOL
We didn't even get a break to pick cotton when I went to school! Just normal chores before and after school.:) And I walked 5 miles each way to and from school bare foot in the snow.....tough part was it was uphill both ways!!:D
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
We didn't even get a break to pick cotton when I went to school!  Just normal chores before and after school.:)   And I walked 5 miles each way to and from school bare foot in the snow.....tough part was it was uphill both ways!!:D
I got the sneaky idea that you didn't belive me. But we did. There use to be a lot of cotton grown in west KY. We got out two weeks in the fall to help pick that cotton. And my dad raised about 75 to 100 acers of cotton every year. :D
I can remember picking cotton with my sister in alabama when i was real little.............cotton cut up your hands too.......:(
Are you all outta yer cotten picken minds?!!!


Sorry, just felt the need to say that. :)
I wasn't doubting you gollum.........I was just being silly. I never picked cotton except for fun when I lived in Texas. And I never walked five miles to school either........let alone bare foot. The uphill both ways should have tipped you off. Never got a break for fall.......closest I ever came to something like that was Thurs and Fri before Easter. We called that "Spring Break"! I was not making light of your school days.:)
I remember "spring Break" in Ft was fun..........:)
Originally posted by Gollum
I got the sneaky idea that you didn't belive me. But we did. There use to be a lot of cotton grown in west KY. We got out two weeks in the fall to help pick that cotton. And my dad raised about 75 to 100 acers of cotton every year. :D

must have been way before lap3's time. Reelfoot lake is the closeest plase for cotton to my part of west ky.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
I wasn't doubting you gollum.........I was just being silly.  I never picked cotton except for fun when I lived in Texas.  And I never walked five miles to school either........let alone bare foot.  The uphill both ways should have tipped you off.  Never got a break for fall.......closest I ever came to something like that was Thurs and Fri before Easter.  We called that "Spring Break"!  I was not making light of your school days.:)
Oh no problem. I figured you was just cutting up. The up hill both ways did give it away. I didn't walk 5 miles neither. But I did hate that so call fall break. LOL
:D There use to be a lot of cotton raised in Fulton and Hickman CO. Ky. There was a cotton gin in Hickman a little town on the Mississippi river. But enought about the old cotton feilds back home. Cuttiepie I have never been to FT. Lauderdale. The fartest into Flordia I have been is Orlando.
Well, I've picked cotton out of a hot Texas field, pulled corn in August, scraped the bristles off slaughtered hogs in the fall, chopped the heads off chickens meant for Sunday dinner, and then chased them around the chickenyard.

My mama wanted me to know what really hard work was like. Every summer I spent at least a month on her father's farm.

Oh, and don't forget milking the cows at 4AM and again at 5PM. :p
But don't people call them the "good ol days"! I may not be that old, but was raised by my grandma. My youngest brother loved to hunt, so I got the cleaning job. I have cleaned so many rabbits, squirrles, quail, and frogs, it's unreal. I was used as squirrel bait one time and always had to walk behind my brother hunting. I think I've had every tree, branch and spider web in the county in my face! He loved to step over or bend them back and catch me not looking--Smack--right in the kisser! His favorite was watching me walk into a spider web and do the get this thing off me dance!:p That's ok--I got him back one day. He was gone and I traded his best rabbit dog for a bunch of red and white rock chickens!!!! He was not pleased!
Originally posted by sgbg88
That's ok--I got him back one day. He was gone and I traded his best rabbit dog for a bunch of red and white rock chickens!!!!   He was not pleased!

that was not right. you dont mess with a man and his dogs :p
Originally posted by Gollum
:D There use to be a lot of cotton raised in Fulton and Hickman CO. Ky. There was a cotton gin in Hickman a little town on the Mississippi river. But enought about the old cotton feilds back home. Cuttiepie I have never been to FT. Lauderdale. The fartest into Flordia I have been is Orlando.

you'd like it there, it is nice........well was when i left, don't know about it now.............I've been to orlando lots.......DISNEY WORLD..........:D
The whole reason school is out in the summer (at least in the places where it IS out in the summer) is because the children were needed on the family farm to plant, tend the crop, and about 492 other chores. Survival of the family depended on that crop, and without the kids helping, it would have failed.

Just thought I'd point that out.

You're welcome. :D
Originally posted by Gollum
:D There use to be a lot of cotton raised in Fulton and Hickman CO. Ky. There was a cotton gin in Hickman a little town on the Mississippi river. But enought about the old cotton feilds back home. Cuttiepie I have never been to FT. Lauderdale. The fartest into Flordia I have been is Orlando.

i know where Fulton and Hickman is:D
Damn TWF, I thought it was just so the kids could irritate the adults for 2 1/2 months a year!!:D
For those of you who don't know, Gollum is my brother. So I was there in the cotton field too. I picked my share of cotton once I got big enough to have a cotton sack of my very own. YEAH!! Great memories, but I wouldn't do it again.
Dolly sang a song that said. No amount of money could buy the memories of then. But no amount of money could get me to go back and live through them again.
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