F1 2023 News/Misc.

The most recent update for the 2026 cars is targeting both decrease length/width dimensions, less weight, and less downforce, which all sound promising. I’m still skeptical of the power unit regulations, but it seems we’re headed in the right direction with the rest of the car.

Hope Monaco is still around for these kind of cars!

Definitely a step in the right direction.

"Jessica excelled in her first F1 test. After the installation lap we had a small delay as the circuit was hit by heavy rain. That resulted in a green track and on her first proper run there were still some damp patches in a few corners.

"Jessica progressively built up speed on a tricky track while managing flawlessly the complexity of the AMR21 car. Her feedback was precise and correlated with our data. After three runs, the track had dried and she was already matching the reference lap speeds.

"Overall, Jessica executed an excellent test programme with a very professional attitude and we hope to see her in the car again soon."
are you sure? I can only hope not
To put her career in perspective, she is presently competing in the same level of motorsports as YouTuber Jimmy Broadbent. At 28 with no significant open wheel experience, she's never getting into F1. As the McLaren lawsuit against Palou detailed, renting out old cars for test sessions is a revenue stream for teams.
To put her career in perspective, she is presently competing in the same level of motorsports as YouTuber Jimmy Broadbent. At 28 with no significant open wheel experience, she's never getting into F1. As the McLaren lawsuit against Palou detailed, renting out old cars for test sessions is a revenue stream for teams.
Thanks for your reply. I hope that things change eventually. We need lady F1 drivers!
To put her career in perspective, she is presently competing in the same level of motorsports as YouTuber Jimmy Broadbent. At 28 with no significant open wheel experience, she's never getting into F1.
Our best bet now would probably be one of the Iron Dames from WEC, but they seem happy enough there.
Our best bet now would probably be one of the Iron Dames from WEC, but they seem happy enough there.

Maybe this series will give us a lady F1 driver that will drive in the main series.
FIA is pleading they don't have the resources to fix track limits violations. This is like in the 70s when tracks didn't want to spend the money on safety improvements. The FIA can't fix it and the track owners won't want to spit up the jack, so how is this ever going to get resolved?

Here's my favorite part from Ben Salayem:
“I’m not hiding here: we need more resources. I mean, it’s a $20 billion operation here and we cannot run it on a shoestring.”
A $20 billion company doesn't have enough resources?

The track limits problem only exists because there is pavement past the curb that you can run on. It if was gravel or grass they couldn't get away with running on it. Make the track limits self enforcing and the entire issue goes away.
I'm not interested in a Formula 1.5 championship.
I don’t really see the allure of a separate sprint championship, like, at all. That would probably mean they’d only add more sprints and I imagine they’d quickly reach oversaturation (as if they haven’t already).

I’ve always said if they’re going to do this they should make like F2/F3 and do reverse grids for the spectacle. Otherwise they’re boring, relatively pointless, and dilutive.
Audi is reportedly reconsidering their F1 entry due to financial concerns.
First reported by the Spiegel so I wouldn't panic yet.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this, it was floating around some sports car outlets around Petit Le Mans weekend. And if it comes to fruition, Audi, in the span of about less than two years, would’ve exhausted all of their goodwill and ruined their reputation within the motorsports industry for decades to come.
Mexico FP1 just finished. Lots of reserve drivers in this one, so the results are probably irrelevant. The interesting part is how well Albon is running. Checo was third, which is exactly what his confidence needed.

The race organizers at the Mexico City Grand Prix had launched a new campaign called #RACEPECT ahead of this weekend’s event, urging fans to follow the lead of drivers and leave rivalries on the track.
So, how's that new campaign working out so far? You can't even make this stuff up.


Bye. I will not miss you.

He leaves Mercedes in the mud after introducing one of the worse car concepts ever.
Fyre Fest GP

What’s also funny is I’ve seen way more blowback from the locals for this event than even Chicago did before NASCAR arrived. And the race itself is tracking to be one of the coldest on record, on top of the long straights that are going to keep the tires cool. There’s going to be pretty much no grip.
Fyre Fest GP

What’s also funny is I’ve seen way more blowback from the locals for this event than even Chicago did before NASCAR arrived. And the race itself is tracking to be one of the coldest on record, on top of the long straights that are going to keep the tires cool. There’s going to be pretty much no grip.
1am start time??
Las Vegas will be worth watching just for the ****show that this race will be.

All the sessions will be at ridiculous times that are actually local. I think the race itself will be something like 10 or 11 PM. Lmao

Kind of strange how F1 is going about this. They’re trying to capture the American audience while making the weekend almost impossible to watch and catering to the European side.
And qualifying at 3 AM (midnight local). If there’s any race meeting that could go full twilight zone it’s this one.
I'll probably have to DVR that one.

The last twilight zone race we had was Hungaroring when Ocon won. We're about due for one, so a cold race and zero grip is a good place to start if you want weird. All we would need then would be some nasty rain, stir and watch it cook. Come on, it's Vegas!

What might be interesting is the teams with the most tire deg could actually do well there. The long straights will cool the tires, and along with the cool weather temps aren't going to be a problem and deg might not be so bad. This could also work in Mercedes favor because they overheat their tires too, but that car is such a pig I wouldn't like to wager anything on them.

Look, this could be so weird that since Hass generates tire heat so quickly they could sweep the front row, and lead a few laps before the tires catch on fire. Tell me that wouldn't be fun!

Las Vegas will be worth watching just for the ****show that this race will be.
Well, we won't know until the lights go out, but you could very well be right. It's a bizarre new track in bizarre conditions and right now everyone but Max is dying for a good result. That means we will get crazy thrown on top of the other factors. You can't fake entertainment. That, and it's Vegas!

10 or 11 isn't too late for me. It will be over by 1 or 2 and remember most of us stay up all night for Lemans and Daytona anyway. 11pm isn't a big sacrifice, that is, if it's worth it. I'de be ok with a good race, and I'de be ok with a snotshow as long as it's fun. My big hope is everyone totally misses the set up and the race turns upside down every other lap. Hell, even a crashfest would be cool as long as no one gets hurt.

Anything is better than a boring procession and another Red Bull asswhipping.
So... turns out F1 legitimately did not know/consider temperatures when scheduling Las Vegas...in November...at night....

I can't believe that but that's what's been coming out.
I can, I think they were focused exclusively on the glitz and glamour too much to worry about weather. It won’t be freezing by any means, but certainly cold enough where there would be serious uncertainties over how tires with a very narrow operating temperature window interact with a very cool, fresh surface.
It won’t be freezing by any means, but certainly cold enough where there would be serious uncertainties over how tires with a very narrow operating temperature window interact with a very cool, fresh surface.
Maybe a tire with a wider operating range would be a good idea. Michelin sure know how to do it.
Brawn GP documentary hits Hulu on Wednesday. Hopefully this story is told well because it’s one of the most interesting the sport has ever seen.

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