Another shooting.


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
Sorry to put a damper on the evening....another shooting in Va, just above Richmond. Hasn't been "offically" linked, but seems like the same M.O.

I guess the media will have to come up with something other than, "Well, the sniper hasn't shot anyone on the weekend....."
Originally posted by fergy1370
Sorry to put a damper on the evening....another shooting in Va, just above Richmond. Hasn't been "offically" linked, but seems like the same M.O.

I guess the media will have to come up with something other than, "Well, the sniper hasn't shot anyone on the weekend....."

This killer makes his own rules.He will be caught,and the sooner the better.:(
OH NO............kill that SOB ASAP

Not on the news yet here, but I'm going out to see a local band.

Fergy, please be safe and keep us all up on this azz
What is the count up to now? Man this needs to be stopped.
I'm watching CNN right now. What a damn shame.

Do they know if the victim saw the guy at all? An adult survivor has got to be able to contribute in some way, I hope.
Sounds like a better brain has control of this one.Lets hope for a good result.
Where is that high tech RC-7? They are looking for a white van.
One guy called in to CNN, claiming he had just left the Ponderosa and was able to make his way home on I95, taking a different route. This suggests that they weren't able to shut down all area roads immediately. Supposedly, 95 is the only way to get out of that place.

They've also got police choppers hovering over the wooded area behind the restaurant. Witnesses say the gunshot came from this area. Given that there's no other way to get out of dodge (unless you believe the guy who said 95 wasn't shut down right away), I wonder if there's a chance they'll get this bastard tonight.
I hope that RC-7 is right where it should be, grounded and not policing the public.
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