Xfinity RACE thread --- Darlington

Not the best race especially after the last few Xfinity races here
SVG was moving forward that last run. When the series comes back to some of these places I bet he’ll be top 10
Allgaier was untouchable.

Amost a third of the season gone

-Kaulig big drop off. Williams isn't doing any better than he did at DGM. Allmendinger decent. the 97 about where he should be based on inexperience.
-Deegan just doesn't have it. Big drop off in the 15 from where Moffitt was last season.
- Chandler Smith showing what he can do in great equipment
=Sammie Smith and Brandon Jones looking weak at JR. Jones struggling for second year in a row
-Klingerman and Alfredo really solid. Exceeding what you'd expect from their rides, especially Alfredo
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