Well, I got some really good news today

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
As some of you may know, I have been disabled and unable to work for a little over 5 years now. I have been fighting for disability for much of that time. For those unfamiliar with the system, here is basically how it works. First you file for disability and it takes about 6 months for them to decline it, which they always do. Then you appeal that and it takes them 6-12 months more for them to decline you again, which they do about 98% of the time according to my attorney. So then, you appeal it again. This time, it takes about 12-18 months for them to schedule you to go before a judge. This is where most of the people who do get approved usually get approved.

I finally received notice that my first (and hopefully the only one I need) hearing before the judge will take place toward the end of March, 2013. We have been really struggling to live day to day on what my wife makes, which is about half of what I made when I was still able to work. By the grace of God and help from a few family members and friends, many of whom we go to church with, we have been able to have our basic needs met. We are losing the house we are in within the next few weeks and are searching for a place we can afford. God has met our needs, if not all of our wants, and he will continue to do so. Hopefully this disability hearing will be the blessing we have been praying for for a very long time.

This seems to have taken on a negative tone, but that was simply giving you all background information as to why this is such good news.
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