The Annex


Team Owner
Nov 28, 2014
Alrighty. The Annex is moving again.

A little history.

This thread started at NOL(Nascar On Line) in 2003 when Naz and Dan met up on a thread called Sally's Dartboard. A few members felt there was, shall we say, uneven moderating. So Dan went out searching for a new home for the thread.

The Dartboard Annex was created by Dan on 03/31/2004 at Remember that place? OMG, there are no words. Anyway, 10,000 posts were created the first week. We are a chatty bunch indeed. While we were doing our thing, Dan was busy creating his own site called Days of Blunder or DOB.

The Dartboard at TR accumulated just over 272,430 posts before TR pulled the plug on the message board. In December 2007, before they pulled the plug even, TR went in a direction we were not happy with. They took away everything- color fonts, pictures, emotes, everything we loved. So the thread was moved to DOB where it was called Annex Refugees. The Annex Refugees accumlated 129,501 posts before it was shutdown to move to Dan's new and better site called Nascar Front Page. It was renamed Judy's Annex on 07/11/2009 when a dear poster friend suddenly passed away. We still miss her today.

Now, 11/29/2014, we are on the move again as Dan has found it necessary to close NFP soon. Currently Judy's Annex contains 471,586 posts. Yep. We talk a lot.

The Annex welcomes everyone. Stop by anytime. We enjoy sharing our day and talk about almost everything. We gather here during a race to discuss what is happening on the track. That is our favorite thing.

All we ask is for everyone to play well with others on this thread.

"Friends who will be remembered although they are asleep in God's memory waiting for the promised resurrection made possible by the death of Jesus Christ."

NFP mourns the loss of our dear friend Judy who was a corner stone of the forum. July 11th 2009.

NFP members express their condolences to Larry and Family on the passing of Linda, loving wife and mother on December 11, 2009

Today, July 11th, 2010 marks the 1 year anniversity of the loss of Judy. The daily breakfast at Judy's Annex has been changed to commemorate this.

I have logged into mother's account in order to contact you all regarding her passing. She left us on March 2, 2012 and her passions, her music, and her love for family and friends were celebrated in a beautiful memorial service on March 9th. I know she considered her chat buddies as true friends and we thank you for bringing a laugh, a photo, or an irresistable recipe into her life. She cherished the correspondence!

(Kid's Indy daughter)

NFP mourns the loss of a respected member who passed on Oct.4/2012 RIP Billy.

NFP mourns the loss of our dear friend Nana who passed on April 22/2013. RIP dear Nancy

NFP mourns the loss of a respected member who passed on Oct. 08, 2013. RIP Rog......

NFP mourns the loss of our dear friend Kenny Brown who passed November 25, 2013. RIP Bonsai
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And in memory of Judy, we will open with her famous breakfast one last time.
Working on getting this it's own forum in the Ramblings section. Stay tuned. :)

Good heavens, Pat -- if I ate b'fast like that I'd never be able to move afterward. LOL
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Alrighty. The Annex is moving again.

A little history.

This thread started at NOL(Nascar On Line) in 2003 when Naz and Dan met up on a thread called Sally's Dartboard. A few members felt there was, shall we say, uneven moderating. So Dan went out searching for a new home for the thread.

The Dartboard Annex was created by Dan on 03/31/2004 at Remember that place? OMG, there are no words. Anyway, 10,000 posts were created the first week. We are a chatty bunch indeed. While we were doing our thing, Dan was busy creating his own site called Days of Blunder or DOB.

The Dartboard at TR accumulated just over 272,430 posts before TR pulled the plug on the message board. In December 2007, before they pulled the plug even, TR went in a direction we were not happy with. They took away everything- color fonts, pictures, emotes, everything we loved. So the thread was moved to DOB where it was called Annex Refugees. The Annex Refugees accumlated 129,501 posts before it was shutdown to move to Dan's new and better site called Nascar Front Page. It was renamed Judy's Annex on 07/11/2009 when a dear poster friend suddenly passed away. We still miss her today.

Now, 11/29/2014, we are on the move again as Dan has found it necessary to close NFP soon. Currently Judy's Annex contains 471,586 posts. Yep. We talk a lot.

The Annex welcomes everyone. Stop by anytime. We enjoy sharing our day and talk about almost everything. We gather here during a race to discuss what is happening on the track. That is our favorite thing.

All we ask is for everyone to play well with others on this thread.
Alright!! we're up and running. what is this now, the 4th Edition??
I'm working mobile from the track, but I think I got it put in right. Moving this thread there with redirect for now.
Be sure and check your welcome thread. There is a little info on there for you.
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My day --- was going to spend the morning picking up fallen limbs, but would up using the chainsaw for an hour instead. Damn things keep
falling out of the trees. Leaves coming down like rain --- negating all the work I did yesterday getting them mulched with the mower.
I don't think I have the ability to add emotes on here, it's been tried in the past and I don't have access to Fury's server to do it. Just about the only normal thing I can't do.
My day --- was going to spend the morning picking up fallen limbs, but would up using the chainsaw for an hour instead. Damn things keep
falling out of the trees. Leaves coming down like rain --- negating all the work I did yesterday getting them mulched with the mower.

Your yard sounds like mine. I had the trees in the front yard limbed up thinking that would help. Darned little limbs still falling. I do my cleanup in the Spring. Leaves are called Fall decorations at my house. ;)
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I don't think I have the ability to add emotes on here, it's been tried in the past and I don't have access to Fury's server to do it. Just about the only normal thing I can't do.

We'll survive. It's so easy to insert them. Besides, there are a lot of them.
Your yard sounds like mine. I had the trees in the front yard limbed up thinking that would help. Darned little limbs still falling. I do my cleanup in the Spring. Leaves are called Fall decoraionts at my house. ;)
I mow about 8 acres -- trees cover at least 5 of that. We had a catastrophic drought in 2011, and the effects have lingered. Some of my trees are 50 to 80 feet tall and dead as door-nails.

I don't even want to think about the carnage out beyond the fence --- there's 24 acres out there I haven't seen in years.
I mow about 8 acres -- trees cover at least 5 of that. We had a catastrophic drought in 2011, and the effects have lingered. Some of my trees are 50 to 80 feet tall and dead as door-nails.

I don't even want to think about the carnage out beyond the fence --- there's 24 acres out there I haven't seen in years.

Wow. That's a big place to care for. I only have 2 acres and that's a lot for me. They cut the dead trees down when they limbed them, hollow inside. The trees behind the house are woods and I'm not going to clean that up. I wish the front yard was smaller.
Alrighty. The Annex is moving again.

A little history.

This thread started at NOL(Nascar On Line) in 2003 when Naz and Dan met up on a thread called Sally's Dartboard. A few members felt there was, shall we say, uneven moderating. So Dan went out searching for a new home for the thread.

The Dartboard Annex was created by Dan on 03/31/2004 at Remember that place? OMG, there are no words. Anyway, 10,000 posts were created the first week. We are a chatty bunch indeed. While we were doing our thing, Dan was busy creating his own site called Days of Blunder or DOB.

The Dartboard at TR accumulated just over 272,430 posts before TR pulled the plug on the message board. In December 2007, before they pulled the plug even, TR went in a direction we were not happy with. They took away everything- color fonts, pictures, emotes, everything we loved. So the thread was moved to DOB where it was called Annex Refugees. The Annex Refugees accumlated 129,501 posts before it was shutdown to move to Dan's new and better site called Nascar Front Page. It was renamed Judy's Annex on 07/11/2009 when a dear poster friend suddenly passed away. We still miss her today.

Now, 11/29/2014, we are on the move again as Dan has found it necessary to close NFP soon. Currently Judy's Annex contains 471,586 posts. Yep. We talk a lot.

The Annex welcomes everyone. Stop by anytime. We enjoy sharing our day and talk about almost everything. We gather here during a race to discuss what is happening on the track. That is our favorite thing.

All we ask is for everyone to play well with others on this thread.

I see you got the Annex up and running … Good deal Pat … :pbjtime:
Working on getting this it's own forum in the Ramblings section. Stay tuned. :)

Good heavens, Pat -- if I ate b'fast like that I'd never be able to move afterward. LOL

I gotta say thanks for the warm welcome and all that you and the rest of the fine peeps here have done for us … :cheers:
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