Super Bowl LVI

Some fans just don’t know how to celebrate like adults ☹️
That's why I advised you a few days ago that you might want to make sure your vehicles were secured on Sun night. That is the mentality of the youngsters we are dealing with in society today. Not all, but a lot of them look for every excuse to act like idiots.
I thought the halftime show was ok, but even with Eminem being best-selling hip hop artist of all time and being 5th in the Billboards top 200 musicians, and heavy hitters like Dr Dre and Snoop Dog being in the house I don't agree that it was the best SB halftime show ever like they are reporting on the local news this morning. I have seen much better halftime shows. I'm no expert on hip hop so I googled Eminem, and this is what came up.
Eminem is the best-selling hip hop artist of all-time and the best-selling artist of the 2000s with US album sales at over 32.2 million during the decade. With record sales of over 220 million sold worldwide, he is listed as one of the best-selling music artists worldwide.
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Not sure why it's that big a deal that some, including me, didn't care for the halftime show. It's the same story every year. Not all of us can be pleased all the time. I used my halftime break to grab more adult beverages and food so it worked out fine by me.
My halftime show criticism:
That guitarist during the halftime show was terrible at miming his "playing". Every time he popped up on screen I was laughing/complaining about how fake it looked.

The drummer did much better at faking it. Bassist was somewhere in between the two. Why was 50 imitating a bat?
All in all I thought it ranged from meh to bad.

Blige was the best part of it.
Time has completely passed me by. I am definitely not the intended audience for this halftime show.
I was proud of myself; I saw who was scheduled and realized I had name recognition for all but one of them. When I looked at it on YouTube this morning I didn't recognize most of the music (and couldn't make out the lyrics either) but hey, I take my small pop culture victories when I can get them.

Everything I know about rap and hip hop, I learned from Weird Al Yankovic. The replay of the show hasn't inspired me to learn more, but that wasn't its goal anyway.
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